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姓名:赵斌 [博士生导师] 性别:男职称: 研究员 电话:010-62842867E-mail:binzhao@rcees.ac.cn组别:分子环境毒理学研究组 研究方向:分子环境毒理学;环境污染物健康效应与分子机理;生物分析方法研发应用招生专业:环境科学


       赵斌,百人计划,研究员。2002年在香港科技大学生物系获得理学博士学位。2003年至2009年在美国加州大学(University of California, Davis)作为博士后和项目科学家从事环境污染物的分子毒理学的研究工作。2009年7月获中国科学院“百人计划”资助,进入中国科学院生态环境研究中心工作,现为中心研究员,博士生导师。学术任职包括Environmental Health Perspectives期刊Regional Editor、EHP中文版顾问,《环境化学》杂志编委,中国毒理学会分析毒理学分会专业委员会委员等。    


  1. 国际环境健康、公共卫生领域顶级刊物Environmental HealthPerspectives(EHPIF:7.029)区域主编(Regional Editor)和国际编委会委员(Editorial Review Board Member)
  2. 国际毒理学领域著名刊物Toxicological Sciences(IF:4.478)编委;
  3. 《环境化学》编委;
  4. EHP 中文版常务顾问;
  5. 中国毒理学会分析毒理学分会专业委员会秘书长;
  6. 中华预防医学会卫生毒理学专业委员会常务委员;


  1. 基金委国家杰出青年科学基金,项目名称“化学环境污染与健(21525730)”
  2. 基金委面上项目两项,项目名称“二恶英类持久性有机污染物神经毒理作用的新机制(21177150)”“二恶英免疫毒理效应的分子作用靶点及机制研究(21277168)”
  3. 中科院战略性先导科技专项B类课题,项目名称“典型污染物导致信号通路扰动与其生物效应的关联机制”,课题编号XDB14030400
  4. 国家973课题,项目名称“纳米材料与技术在水中污染物选择性消除中的应用基础研究(2010CB933502)”
  5. 国家863课题,项目名称“生活垃圾焚烧厂排放污染物生物检测传感器及生物活性检测技术(2012AA062804)”
  6. 环保公益项目,项目名称“超高灵敏二恶英类生物检测方法的开发与应用(201309029)”


  • 2014年获得中国科学院百人计划终期评估优秀
  • 2013年获得中国科学院杰出科技成就奖(持久性有机污染物研究集体)
  • 2011年获得中国毒理学会全国优秀青年科技奖


  1. Yu Feng, Jijing Tian, Heidi Qunhui Xie, Jianwen She, Sherry Li Xu, Tuan Xu, Wenjing Tian, Hualing Fu, Shuaizhang Li, Wuqun Tao, Lingyun Wang, Yangsheng Chen, Songyan Zhang, Wanglong Zhang, Tai L. Guo*, Bin Zhao*. 2016. Acute exposure to chlorinated flame retardant Dechlorane 602 suppressed Th1 and enhanced Th2 immune responses in mice. Environmental Health Perspectives. (Accepted) (IF: 7.977)
  2. Yu Feng, Jijing Tian, Tuan Xu, Heidi Qunhui Xie, Irina Krylova, Bin Zhao. 2016. Chronic TCDD exposure results in the suppression of cellular and humoral immunity and induces lymphomagenic transdifferentiation in mouse B cells. Journal of Environmental Sciences (Accepted) (IF: 2.002)
  3. Wenjing Tian, Xinhui Pei, Heidi Qunhui Xie, Sherry Li Xu, Jijing Tian, Qin Hu, Haiming Xu, Yangsheng Chen, Hualing Fu, Zhengyu Cao and Bin Zhao*. 2016. Development and characterization of monoclonal antibodies to human aryl hydrocarbon receptor. Journal of Environmental Sciences (Accepted) (IF: 2.002)
  4. Zhiguang Zhou1,2, Yue Ren2, Jiazhi Chu3, Nan Li2, Sen Zhen2, Hu Zhao2, Shuang Fan2, Hui Zhang2, Pengjun Xu2, Li Qi2, Shuting Liang2, Bin Zhao2*. 2016. The occurrence and impact of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/dibenzofurans in the air and soil around a municipal solid waste incinerator. Journal of Environmental Sciences (Accepted) (IF: 2.002)
  5. Xichun Li, Ruy Zhang, Bin Zhao*, Christoph Lossin, Zhengyu Cao*. 2015. Cardiotoxicity screening: a review of rapid throughput in vitro approaches. Archives of Toxicology (In Press) (IF: 5.980)
  6. Yi Zhang, Yabin Wang, Aijuan Liu, Sherry Li Xu, Bin Zhao, Yi Zhang, Hanfa Zou, Wenyi Wang, Hao Zhu and Bing Yan. 2015. Modulation of Carbon Nanotube's Perturbation to the Metabolic Activity of CYP3A4 in the Liver. Advanced Functional Materials. (In Press) (IF: 11.805)
  7. Jijing Tian, Yu Feng, Hualing Fu, Heidi Qunhui Xie, Joy Xiaosong Jiang, Bin Zhao. 2015. The Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor: A Key Bridging Molecule of External and Internal Chemical Signals and Physiological Functions. Environmental Science and Technology. (In Press) (IF: 5.330)
  8. Chengfang Pang, Andrea Brunelli, Conghui Zhu, Danail Hristozov, Ying Liu, Elena Semenzin, Wenwen Wang, Wuqun Tao, Jingnan Liang, Antonio Marcomini, Chunying Chen*, Bin Zhao*. 2015. Demonstrating approaches to chemically modify the surface of Ag nanoparticles in order to influence their cytotoxicity and biodistribution after single dose acute intravenous administration. Nanotoxicology, DOI: 10.3109/17435390.2015.1024295 (IF: 6.411)
  9. Ma J, Chen X, Liu Y, Xie Q, Sun Y, Chen J, Leng L, Yan H, Zhao B*, Tang N*. 2015. Ancestral TCDD exposure promotes epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of imprinted gene Igf2: Methylation status and DNMTs. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. doi: 10.1016/j.taap.2015.09.024. (IF: 3.705)
  10. Wuqun Tao, Zhiguang Zho, Li Shen, Bin Zhao. 2015. Determination of Dechlorane compounds in Soil and Fish at Guiyu, an Electronic Waste Recycling Site in South China. Environmental Pollution. (In Press) (IF: 4.143)
  11. Nobuko Serizawa, Jijing Tian, Hiroo Fukada, Kornelia Baghy, Fiona Scott, Xiangling Chen, Zsofia Kiss, Kristin Olson, Dan Hsu, Fu-Tong Liu, Natalie J Török, Bin Zhao, Joy Jiang. 2015. Galectin 3 Regulates HCC cell invasion by RhoA and MLCK activation. Lab Invest. (In Press) (IF: 3.676)
  12. Shuaizhang Li, Wen Zhang, Xuejiao Yin, Shilei Xing, Qunhui Xie, Zhengyu Cao, Bin Zhao. 2015. Mouse ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters conferring multi-drug resistance. Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry.15(6). (IF: 2.469)
  13. 管玉峰,赵斌,佘建文*。2015. 人体生物监测的现状、挑战与展望。Environmental Health Perspectives (Chinese) (环境健康展望中文版),121: 3-4
  14. Haiming Xu, Heidi Xie, Wuqun Tao, Zhiguang Zhou, Shuaizhang Li, Bin Zhao. 2014. Dioxin and dioxin like compounds suppress acetylcholinesterase activity via transcriptional down-regulations in vitro. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience. 53:417-423
  15. Conghui Zhu, Heidi Xie, Bin Zhao. 2014. The Role of AhR in Autoimmune Regulation and Its Potential as a Therapeutic Target against CD4 T Cell Mediated Inflammatory Disorder. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 15:10116-10135
  16. Shuaizhang Li, Xinhui Pei, Wen Zhang, Heidi Xie, Bin Zhao. 2014. Functional Analysis of the Dioxin Response Elements (DREs) of the Murine CYP1A1 Gene Promoter: Beyond the Core DRE Sequence. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 15:6475-6487
  17. Zhi-Guang Zhou, Bin Zhao, Li Qi, Peng-Jun Xu, Yue Ren, Nan Li, SenZheng,Hu Zhao, Shuang Fan, Ting Zhang, Ai-Min Liu, Ye-Ru Huang, Li Shen. 2014. Distribution of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Dibenzofurans in the Atmosphere of Beijing, China. Aerosol and Air Quality Research. 14:1269-1278
  18. Zhiguang Zhou, Bin Zhao, Hiroyuki Kojima, Shinji Takeuchi, Yoko Takagi, Norio Tateishi, Mitsuru Iida, Takuya Shiozaki, Pengjun Xu, Li Qi, Yue Ren, Nan Li, Sen Zheng , Hu Zhao, Shuang Fan, Ting Zhang, Aimin Liu, Yeru Huang. 2014. Simple and rapid determination of PCDD/Fs in flue gases from various waste incinerators in China using DR-EcoScreen cells. Chemosphere. 102:24-30
  19. Qin Hu, Robert H. Rice, Qin Qin, Brett S. Phinney, Richard A. Eigenheer, Wenjun Bao, Bin Zhao. 2013. Proteomic Analysis of Human Keratinocyte Response to 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin (TCDD) Exposure. Journal of Proteome Research. 12:5340-5347
  20. Bin Zhao. 2013. Perspectives of the Development Strategies for a Future Toxicity Testing System in China: Challenges and Opportunities. Environmental Health Perspectives. 121(9):A264-265
  21. Qin Hu, Guochun He, Jing Zhao, Anatoly Soshilov, Michael S. Denison, Aiqian Zhang, Huijun Yin, Qunhui Xie, Bin Zhao. 2013. Ginsenosides Are Novel Naturally-Occurring Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Ligands. PLoS ONE. 8(6):e66258. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0066258
  22. Marjorie A. Phillips, Qin Qin, Qin Hu, Bin Zhao, and Robert H. Rice, 2013. Arsenite Suppression of BMP Signaling in Human Keratinocytes. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 269:290-296
  23. Heidi Xie, Haiming Xu, Hualing Fu, Qin Hu, Wenjing Tian, Xinhui Pei, Bin Zhao. 2013. AhR-Mediated Effects of Dioxin on Neuronal Acetylcholinesterase Expression in Vitro. Environmental Health Perspectives. 121: 613-618
  24. 赵斌,谢群慧. 2013. 二恶英类持久性有机污染物与老年痴呆可能存在相关性. Environmental Health Perspectives (Chinese Ed.) 121: 3-4
  25. Bin Zhao, Jessica E. S. Bohonowych, Alicia Timme-Laragy, Dawoon Jung, Alessandra A. Affatato, Robert H. Rice, Richard T. Di Giulio and Michael S. Denison*. 2013. Common Commercial and Consumer Products Contain Activators of the Aryl hydrocarbon (Dioxin) Receptor. PLoS ONE. 8(2):e56860. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0056860.
  26. Wenjing Tian, Heidi Qunhui Xie, Hualing Fu, Xinhui Pei, Bin Zhao. 2012. Immuno-analysis Methods for the Detection of Dioxins and Related Chemicals. Sensors. 12: 16710-16731
  27. Zhipu Luo, Xiaoli Shi, Qin Hu, Bin Zhao, Mingdong Huang. 2012. Structural Evidence of Perfluorooctane Sulfonate Transport by Human Serum Albumin. Chemical Research in Toxicology. 25:990-992
  28. Chang Wang, Thanh Wang, Wei Liu, Ting Ruan, Qunfang Zhou, Jiyan Liu, Aiqian Zhang, Bin Zhao, Guibin Jiang. 2012. The In Vitro Estrogenic Activities of Polyfluorinated Iodine Alkanes. Environmental Health Perspectives. 120(1): 119-125
  29. Michael Denison, Anatoly Soshilov, Guochun He, Danica DeGroot, Bin Zhao. 2011. Exactly the same but different: promiscuity and diversity in the molecular mechanisms of Action of the Aryl Hydrocarbon (Dioxin) Receptor. Toxicological Sciences. 124: 1-12 (Invited review)
  30. Guochun He, Tomoaki Tsutsumi, Bin Zhao, David S. Baston, Jing Zhao, Sharon Heath-Pagliuso, Michael S. Denison, 2011. Third generation of Ah receptor-responsive luciferease reporter plasmids: amplification of dioxin responsive elements dramatically increases CALUX bioassay sensitivity and responsiveness. Toxicological Sciences. 123:511-522.
  31. Guochun He, Bin Zhao, Michael S. Denison. 2011. Identification of Benzothiazole Derivatives and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons as Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Agonists Present in Tire Extracts. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 30:1915-1925.
  32. Yu Wang, Dazhou Yang, Abraham Chang, William K. Chan, Bin Zhao, Michael S. Denison, Liang Xue. 2011. Synthesis of a ligand–quencher conjugate for the ligand binding study of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor using a FRET assay. Med Chem Res. 21:711-721.
  33. Bin Zhao. 2011. Research progress and perspectives of health effects induced by persistent organic pollutants on immunological system (持久性有机污染物免疫健康效应的研究现状及展望). Environmental Health Perspectives (Chinese) (环境健康展望中文版). 119 (2C): 3-4.
  34. Bin Zhao, Minghui Zheng, Guibin Jiang. 2011. Dioxin Emissions and Human Exposure in China: A Brief History of Policy and Research. Environmental Health Perspectives. 119: A112-113.
  35. Bin Zhao, Danica Degroot, Ai Hayashi, Guochun He, Michael Denison. 2010. CH223191 is a ligand-selective antagonist of the Ah (Dioxin) receptor. Toxicological Sciences. 117:393-403.
  36. Bin Zhao, David S. Baston, Elaine Khan, Claudio Sorrentino, Michael S. Denison. 2010. Enhancing the Response of CALUX and CAFLUX Cell Bioassays for Quantitative Detection of Dioxin-Like Compounds. Science China Chemistry. 53:1-7.
  37. Petkov PI, Rowlands JC, Budinsky R, Zhao B, Denison MS, Mekenyan O. 2010. Mechanism-based common reactivity pattern (COREPA) modelling of aryl hydrocarbon receptor binding affinity. SAR QSAR Environ Res. 21: 187-214.
  38. Karen Kennedy, Miroslava Macova, Michael E. Bartkow, Darryl W. Hawker, Bin Zhao,Michael S. Denison, Jochen F. Mueller. 2010. Effect based monitoring of seasonal ambient air exposures in Australia sampled by PUF passive air samplers. Atmospheric Pollution Research.1: 50-58.
  39. 裴新辉,谢群慧,胡芹,赵斌. 二恶英对免疫系统影响的研究进展 [J]. 环境化学. 2010,30(1):1-11 (Invited Review)
  40. Karen Kennedy, Miroslava Macova, Frederic Leusch, Michael E. Bartkow, Darryl W. Hawker, Bin Zhao, Michael S. Denison, Jochen F. Mueller 2009. Assessing indoor air exposures using passive sampling with bioanalytical methods for estrogenicity and aryl hydrocarbon receptor activity. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 394: 1413-1421. 
  41. Ki Chang Ahn, Bin Zhao, Jiangang Chen, Gennady Cherednichenko, Enio Sanmarti, Michael S. Denison, Bill Lasley, Isaac N. Pessah, Dietmar Kueltz, Shirley J. Gee and Bruce D. Hammock. 2008. In Vitro Biological Activities of the Antimicrobials Triclocarban, its Analogues, and Triclosan in Bioassay Screens: Receptor-Based Bioassay Screens. Environmental Health Perspectives. 116:1203–121.
  42. Jessica E. Bohonowych, Bin Zhao, Alicia Timme-Laragy, Dawoon Jung, Richard T. Di Giulio, Michael S. Denison. 2008. Newspapers and newspaper ink contain agonists for the Ah receptor. Toxicological Sciences. 102: 278-290.
  43. Annelieke K. Peters, Pim E. Leonards, Bin Zhao, Ake Bergman, Michael S. Denison, Martin Van den Berg. 2006. Determination of in vitro relative potency (REP) values for mono-ortho polychlorinated biphenyls after purification with active charcoal. Toxicology Letters. 165:230-41.
  44. Bin Zhao, David S. Baston, Bruce Hammock, Michael S. Denison. 2006. Interaction of Diuron and Related Substituted Phenylureas with the Ah Receptor Pathway. Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology. 20: 103-113.