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姓名:张淑贞 [博士生导师] 性别:女职称: 研究员 电话:62849683E-mail:szzhang@rcees.ac.cn组别:环境界面化学研究组 研究方向:污染物的形态分析、生物有效性和生物毒性,污染物的微界面传输机理


          博士,中国科学院生态环境研究中心环境化学与生态毒理学国家重点实验室研究员。毕业于中国科学技术大学近代化学系,曾在加拿大国家水中心和德国法兰克福大学做访问学者。研究方向包括1)环境污染物的界面行为表征技术;2)环境污染物的界面传输与转化行为及其分子机制3)环境污染物质的生物吸收、转化和毒性机制;4)人工纳米材料的界面行为和植物吸收与传输机理。研究成果已在国外SCI收录期刊发表论文167篇,任国际期刊Environmental PollutionScience of the Total Environment编委。


1.      期刊Environmental Pollution编委

2.      期刊《环境化学》编委

3.      北京市农产品质量检测农田环境检测技术研究中心学术委员会委员

4.      北京农产品安全学会理事会理事


1.      973 项目:2014CB441102有机污染物多介质微界面行为原位表征方法2014/01-2018/12,主持。

2.      中国科学院战略性先导科技专项:XDB14020202,环境污染物的生物有效性,2014/07-2019/09,主持。

3.      国家自然科学基金重点项目:21537005,土壤中典型有机污染物的分子转化与生物效应机制研究,2016/01-2020/12,主持。

4.      国家自然科学基金创新研究群体科学基金:21321004,持久性有机污染物的环境过程与毒理效应,2014/01-2018/12,参加。

5.      国家自然科学基金面上项目:21277154,纳米颗粒的植物吸收与传输机理研究,2013/01-2016/12,主持。

6.      国家自然科学基金面上项目:21177139,土壤-植物系统多溴联苯醚代谢反应研究,2012/01-2015/12,主持。






  1.  Honglin Huang, Shuzhen Zhang*, Jitao Lv, Bei Wen, Songshan Wang, Tong Wu.  Experimental and theoretical evidence for diastereomer- and enantiomer-specific  accumulation and biotransformation of HBCD in maize roots. Environmental Science    and Technology, 2016, DOI:  10.1021/acs.est.6b03223.

2.  Songshan Wang, Jitao Lv, Jingyuan Ma, Shuzhen Zhang*. Cellular internalization and intracellular biotransformation of silver nanoparticles in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Nanotoxicology, 2016, 10, 1129-1135.

3.     Jitao Lv, Shuzhen Zhang*, Songshan Wang, Lei Luo, Dong Cao, Peter Christie, Molecular-scale investigation with ESI-FT-ICR-MS on fractionation of dissolved organic matter induced by adsorption on iron oxyhydroxides. Environmental Science & Technology, 2016, 50, (5), 2328-36.

  1.  Jitao Lv, Shuzhen Zhang*, Lei Luo, Jing Zhang, Kang Yang, Peter Christie,  Accumulation, speciation and uptake pathway of ZnO nanoparticles in maize.      Environmental Science-Nano, 2015, 2(1): 68-77.
  2.  Lei Luo, Jitao Lv, Chuang Xu, Shuzhen Zhang*. Strategy for characterization of  distribution and associations of organobromine compounds in soil using synchrotron  based spectromicroscopies. Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 86, 11002-11005.

6.  Jitao Lv, Shuzhen Zhang*, Lei Luo, Wei Han, Jing Zhang, Ke Yang, and Peter Christie, Dissolution and Microstructural Transformation of ZnO Nanoparticles under the Influence of Phosphate, Environmental Science & Technology, 2012, 46, 7215−7221

7.  Xiuying Li, Yanhong Zhu, Tong Wu, Shuzhen Zhang*, Peter Christie, Using a novel petroselinic acid embedded cellulose acetate membrane to mimic plant partitioning and in vivo uptake of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Environmental Science & Technology, 2010, 44, 297–301

8. Honglin Huang, Shuzhen Zhang*, Peter Christie, Sen Wang, Mei Xie, Behavior of Decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209) in the soil–plant system: uptake, translocation and metabolism in plants and dissipation in soil, Environmental Science & Technology, 2010, 44, 663–667

9.   Lei Luo, Shuzhen Zhang*, and Peter Christie, New Insights into the Influence of Heavy Metals on phenanthrene sorption in soils, Environmental Science & Technology, 2010, 44, 7846–7851.

  1. Yuqiang Tao, Shuzhen Zhang*, Yong-guan Zhu, Peter Christie, Uptake and acropetal translocation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in field-contaminated soil, Environmental Science & Technology, 2009, 43, 3556–3560.
  2. Li Chen, Shuzhen Zhang*, Honglin Huang, Bei Wen, Peter Christie, Partitioning of phenanthrene by root cell walls and cell wall fractions of wheat (Ttiticum aestivum L.), Environmental Science & Technology, 43, 24, 9136-9141.