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姓名:李国良 [硕士生导师] 性别:男职称: 副研究员 电话:010-62845820E-mail:glli@rcees.ac.cn组别:新型污染物神经毒理研究组 研究方向:环境功能纳米材料的设计、制备及应用




  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“基于缺陷调控的强化可见光催化活性TiO2及其在降解POPs时的微界面效应研究”(21677159),2017.01—2020.12,主持。
  2. 国家重点研发计划:“纳米材料治理水体复合污染物的应用基础研究及工程示范/水处理过程中纳米材料和污染物的转化与归趋”(2016YFA0203100), 2016.7.1—2021.6.31,参与。
  3. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:“3D分等级中晶TiO2在降解POPs时的应用及构效关系研究”(21207148),2013.01—2015.12,主持。
  4. 国家科技支撑计划“海岸带生态修复与资源利用技术与示范/滨海新区及周边地区海岸带生态系统保护与恢复技术及示范”(2012BAC07B02),2012.1—2015.12,参与。


  1. Li Guoliang,* Li Gang, Li Jie, Jiang Guibin. Hierarchical Rattle-Like N-Doped Anatase TiO2 Superstructure: One-Pot Synthesis, Morphology Evolution and Superior Visible Light Activity. Catalysis Science & Technology, 2016, 6:3108-3116.
  2. Li Guoliang,* Li Jie, Li Gang, Jiang Guibin. N and Ti3+ co-doped 3D anatase TiO2 superstructures composed of ultrathin nanosheets with enhanced visible light photocatalytic activity. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3:22073-22080. 
  3. Li Guoliang,* Lan Jing, Li Gang. Chrysanthemum-like 3D hierarchical magnetic γ-Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 superstructures: facile synthesis and application in adsorption of organic pollutants from water. RSC Advances, 2015, 5: 1705-1711.  
  4. Li Guoliang,* Chen Qiuwen,* Lan Jing. Facile Synthesis, Metastable Phase Induced Morphological Evolution and Crystal Ripening, and Structure-Dependent Photocatalytic Properties of 3D Hierarchical Anatase Superstructures. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6:22561-22568.
  5. Li Guoliang, Liu Jiyan, Lan Jing, Chen Qiuwen,* Jiang Guibin. 3D hierarchical anatase TiO2 superstructures constructed by “nanobricks” built nanosheets with exposed {001} facets: facile synthesis, formation mechanism and superior photocatalytic activity. CrystEngComm, 2014, 16:10547-10552. 
  6. Li Guoliang, Zhang Haiyan, Lan Jing, Li Jie, Chen Qiuwen, Liu Jiyan,* Jiang Guibin. Hierarchical hollow TiO2 spheres: facile synthesis and improved visible-light photocatalytic activity. Dalton Transactions, 2013, 42(24):8541-8544. 
  7. Li Guoliang,* Lan Jing, Liu Jiyan, Jiang Guibin. Synergistic adsorption of As(V) from aqueous solution onto mesoporous silica decorated orderly with Al2O3 and Fe2O3 nanoparticles. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2013, 405:164-170. 
  8. Li Guoliang, Liu Jiyan,* Jiang Guibin. Facile synthesis of spiny mesoporous titania tubes with enhanced photocatalytic activity. Chemical communications, 2011, 47 (26): 7443-7445. 
  9. Li Guoliang, Zhao Zongshan, Liu Jiyan,* Jiang Guibin. Effective heavy metal removal from aqueous systems by thiol functionalized magnetic mesoporous silica. Journal of hazardous materials, 2011, 192(1):277-283.